Before Parlcha could answer, Dimm seemed to remember something, his whole body trembled, he turned and slipped into his cramped and narrow blacksmith's shop, bolted the door shut, and looked utterly shaken.,Palash shook his head as he looked through the blacksmith's window at Dim's cowering figure. In better days, the two friends would have traded barbs back and forth, but today, with the unforeseen arrival of the Moen family in Grull Town, Dim's fear was understandable. Given the Moen family's role within the Empire, there was a reason for him to be intimidated.,Whatever the reason, it was a death sentence for blacksmith Dim. The Golden Empire's conscription laws were clear: during wartime, towns within the conscription area had to provide one able-bodied man from each household, or pay 100 gold coins for an exemption certificate. Dim was the only male in his family, and he was right in the age range for conscription. If he were drafted, his wife and children's future would be utterly insecure. As for paying gold coins In the whole of Gruz town, perhaps only the Pate family had 100 gold coins on deposit. Keep in mind, one gold coin was enough to cover half a year's living expenses for his family.。