After the 100-day celebration, Xiaoxixixi was probably stimulated by Xiaochenchen's bullying under everyone's watchful eyes that day. She actually learned to roll over the next day. This roll felt like a great sense of accomplishment, just like "the peasant turned over and sang.",Little Morning danced her arms and legs, making the situation even worse. She babbled and shrieked, her cries becoming rather sharp.,The other people in the house also pamper Xiaoxixia, like Youyou and Haohuo, just like her father. They are very indulgent towards Xiaoxixia. Whenever Xiaoxixia wants something, they will give it to her. This little girl can be particularly amusing at times. She thinks that if adults don't stare at her, they are not looking at her, so she foolishly hides things and giggles to herself, her big eyes twinkling with delight. It's very endearing. But in fact, all her actions are within the adults' peripheral vision.。