With a blink of her eyes, the girl didn't see anything, but she saw a face exactly like hers before she crossed over. Their eyes met, and the man with her face pretended to be cold as he glanced at his watch: "You are the best among this batch of newcomers.",After leaving the orientation, the sprouts began to register and fill out forms. Then they came to the square in line, watching rows of identical squads marching forward. They stepped briskly onto the square, running in formation. Their movements were neat and uniform, as they ran and sang: "Unity is strength! Unity is strength! This strength is iron! This strength is steel...",As dawn broke, Lanno awoke from his slumber with tear stains on his face. His hands were bound behind his back, like a pig, sprawled on the ground. Footsteps echoed through the pitch-black basement. Two men lifted him up and roughly carried him into a room splattered with blood. They bound him to an operating table. The harsh light blinded him, he tried to scream, but a face mask designed for anesthesia was clamped over his face.。