Rebirth of the Urban

Rebirth of the Urban

author: <Lo-shu>
classification: fantastic
update: 9分鐘前

But Lord Luo was an honest and upright man, he wasn't the type to have so many romantic entanglements. He didn't even know that they had set a trap for him.,As for Father Luo, he let out a sigh and then followed suit.,"Hey, Dad, I've finished my stuff over here, where are you" 。Here I am, let me have a look, this is the sales center for Panlong Bay. 。“Father Lu looked up and saw the large characters of the sales center.” 。Luo Chen's eyebrows twitched. How did he end up at Panlong Bay"Alright, Dad, wait for me there, I'll be right over." 。Luo Chen had just hung up the phone when Lan Belle called again. 。Hey Luochen, where are you I'm off today, I was thinking of coming to find you 。"""Panlong Bay""" 。After giving a brief response, Luochin drove to Panlong Bay. 。On the other side, as soon as Zhang Xiaoman's mother and Lao Luo entered the room, they felt that the place was incredibly luxurious and opulent. 。"How much is a square meter here" Father Luo asked a sales person. 。"Good sir, our price is about 100,000 per square meter." 。The salesperson replied. 。。

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