Double Blessing: CEO

Double Blessing: CEO

author: Full Moon
classification: metropolis
update: 5分鐘前

" 。But she's been in pain before surgery, and she can't stand it. You are doctors, so you need to act quickly to relieve her pain. 。No matter what Song Xinzhe said, Qiao Shunchen believed the hospital was responsible,"Don't you dare harm my wife, my wife is pregnant now, she is also my treasure" 。" Song Xinzhe's domineering protection of his wife accidentally exposed a secret. " 。"What did you say Is Dani pregnant too"Xue Yao reacted the fastest, or it could have been that she was so stimulated she had to react quickly. 。"Yes, the era of our second child has also arrived." 。" Song Xinzhe was too busy showing off to notice Qiao Shunchen's attack. 。"Congratulations, congratulations..." "Congratulations to Dani, who has given birth to her second child." 。Everyone's well wishes came faster than expected. Tang Danni hadn't responded yet, but she already received blessings. 。"Just over forty days, it's not stable yet" 。“ Tang Danni wanted to stabilize and share with everyone, but Song Xinzhe just couldn't hold his tongue.” 。"Sour, sour, you and Wenwen always get there before me " 。"Honey, I want a second baby too." 。" Xue Yao envied, envious to the point of wanting to get pregnant immediately. " 。Okay, we also want a second child, and even a third. 。Chu Yang does not want to have a second child because his wife would be hard-working. 。But in this case, if you say no, Xue Yao might get angry. 。"None of them should be born, what's good about any of them" 。I want to know how hard it was for Wenwen, I definitely wouldn't have taken on these few children back then. 。",The nurse answered clearly. ” 。"Please ask the nurse to tell my wife that I appreciate her hard work, and that I will love her even more in the future." 。Joe Shunchen couldn't wait to comfort Qin Jingwen in person, so he asked the nurse for help. 。When Qin Jingwen in the operating room heard such heartfelt words, a happy smile bloomed on her lips. 。。

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